NCAC along with seven other other free speech organizations sent a letter to the Riverside Unified School District urging the School Board to reinstate The Fault in Our Stars by John Green to middle school libraries.

A reconsideration committee voted to remove the book after a parent of a middle school student raised objections to the novel's language and sexual content. The letter states that such a removal is suspect given that Fault is  “A highly praised and critically acclaimed work" which "deals with issues of self-discovery and loss – issues that many young adults are dealing with themselves.” It is highly objectionable for parents to demand that libraries cater to their personal preferences as "they simply are not equipped to make decisions that address the needs of the entire student body."

The co-signatories further argue that the removal is constitutionally suspect. "School officials have a constitutional obligation not to suppress material because some find it objectionable or offensive," Joan Bertin, Executive Director of NCAC, argues.

The signatories hope that the school board will act against the reconsideration committee's vote and reverse the district-wide removal. The board will meet on October 6 to discuss the issue.

For more information, read our press release.

The full letter appears below; click here for full-screen view

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