
Confronting Censorship with a Flowchart

By |2020-01-03T13:28:01-05:00May 19th, 2009|Blog|

The ACLU and the ACLU of Tennessee  filed suit in Federal Court  against two Tennessee school districts, charging the schools are unconstitutionally blocking students from accessing online information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues.  NCAC was involved in an initial response and has been following the case.  Now see the story in flowchart form: See it in full effect [...]

Coming Soon to Your Library – Culture Wars – The Sequel

By |2017-06-08T12:52:10-04:00February 3rd, 2000|Blog|

by Joan E. Bertin In Holland, Michigan, a small town near Grand Rapids, there’s a pitched battle over Internet censorship in the library. It’s only one salvo in what promises to be another long, drawn-out culture war. On February 22, voters in Holland will be asked to decide whether the city should withdraw funding from the district library if the [...]

NCAC Letter to Key Senators About Internet School Filtering Act

By |2016-02-01T10:22:02-05:00April 8th, 1998|Incidents|

The following letter was sent to the members of the Senate Commerce Committee and other key senators. The complete list of recipients follows the text. I am writing to express concern about legislative efforts to restrict access to the Internet in schools and libraries, and particularly about S. 1619, the Internet School Filtering Act, which would require schools and libraries [...]

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