dress code

Supreme Court Rejects Dress Code Case

By |2019-03-14T17:36:16-04:00January 14th, 2010|Blog|

Earlier this week the Supreme Court denied petition to review a high school student’s challenge to his school’s dress code. In denying review, the Supreme Court has chosen to leave the lower court’s holding intact — a holding that serves as a dangerous curtailment of students’ rights of freedom of expression. Paul “Pete” Palmer was found to be in violation [...]

Piercings ban student’s husband out of school dances.

By |2024-08-23T11:28:26-04:00November 18th, 2008|Blog|

Hubbard High School in Ohio is currently banning Casey Engstrom,19, from escorting his 17-year-old wife, Brittany, to any dances her senior year. The reason? Well apparently Hubbard High has a strict dress code policy against all forms of facial jewelry. Casey offered to remove the jewelery but Superintendent Richard Buchenic said that Casey will not be allowed to attend for [...]

Gang Activity? Or Just Trying to Keep Warm?

By |2020-01-02T15:32:56-05:00November 14th, 2008|Blog|

After a student-led protest in Montgomery, NY, Valley Central High School lifted a blanket ban on neck scarves, which had been interpreted as "gang paraphernalia" by the school administration.   The protest, which included a refusal from many students to obey the new “no-scarf” policy, as well as a petition garnering 300+ signatures, resulted in the school board investigating [...]

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