Since its founding in 2003, Woodhull Freedom Foundation has been an unwavering champion of free speech, recognizing it as the cornerstone of our fundamental human right to sexual freedom. As a human rights organization, we have consistently stood at the forefront of the battle against censorship, particularly in defense of sexual expression, which has long been a primary target of free speech opponents.

In this crucial fight, the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) has proven to be an indispensable ally. Their tireless efforts to protect the First Amendment and preserve the freedom of expression align perfectly with our mission. NCAC’s expertise, resources, and dedication have been instrumental in countless battles against censorship.

Woodhull and NCAC have formed a formidable partnership, standing shoulder-to-shoulder to safeguard our constitutional rights. NCAC’s unwavering commitment to fighting book bans, supporting educators, and empowering local advocates through initiatives like the Kids’ Right to Read Network has been truly inspiring.

We at Woodhull are delighted to celebrate NCAC’s 50th Anniversary.  Their role in defending free speech, particularly in the face of increasing challenges to intellectual freedom, cannot be overstated. As we continue our mission to protect and advance sexual freedom as a fundamental human right, we are grateful to have NCAC as a powerful ally in the ongoing struggle to ensure that free speech prevails for all.