The Free Expression Network* has collected commentary and analysis from FEN members on the shifting political landscape and the opportunities and challenges free expression now faces. A diverse group of organizations dealing with free expression weigh in: including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Student Press Law Center, and American Association of University Professors.

  • Hopes and Concerns: Obama and the New Congress (PEN American Center)
  • Restoring Public Trust through Openness (
  • Free Speech in the Age of Obama: Three Proposals for Year One (Free Expression Policy Project)
  • Times they are A-Changin’? (National Coalition Against Censorship)
  • For Publishers, the First Amendment is not an Abstract Legal Concept (Association of American Publishers)
  • The Obama administration should reaffirm that Tinker is still the law of the land (Student Press Law Center)
  • Advancing Academic Freedom and Shared Governance (American Association of University Professors)
  • American’s right to free expression depends on a transparent and accountable government (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

* An alliance of organizations dedicated to protecting the First Amendment right of free expression and the values it represents, and to opposing governmental efforts to suppress constitutionally-protected speech. Coordinated by the National Coalition Against Censorship.