The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) is proud to join forces with 58 civil rights organizations, LGBTQ+ advocates, and free speech organizations in opposing harmful legislation like the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). For 50 years, NCAC has fought for the right to access uncensored information, and KOSA threatens to undermine that core freedom.

KOSA risks silencing crucial online content that marginalized communities, particularly LGBTQ+ youth, rely on. By granting the government more power to dictate what’s “appropriate” for minors, the bill could open the door to censorship of essential resources on gender identity, reproductive rights, sexual health and consent, and other vital topics.

NCAC is committed to protecting free expression and ensuring that young people have access to diverse information. This bill, even in its revised form, still poses a danger to free speech and the very people it claims to protect.

We are calling on all advocates to stand with us for a free and open internet. Your voice matters—join NCAC in urging lawmakers to reject KOSA and protect the rights of all communities. Together, we can stop censorship before it silences the most vulnerable.

Reject online censorship today. Join NCAC in advocating for a free and open internet by visiting: