Planned Giving

By leaving a legacy gift to the National Coalition Against Censorship you create a future in which the freedoms of thought, inquiry, and expression will be protected and flourish. The lasting support of our planned giving donors strengthens our work as the first responder to censorship threats faced by people every day, including students, teachers, artists, and activists across the nation.

There are several ways to include NCAC in your estate planning, including a bequest gift that may qualify for the estate tax charitable deduction. You can also name NCAC as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy; a retirement plan such as a 401(k), IRA or donor advised fund; or on a savings or mutual fund account.

Sample Language

To leave your gift to the National Coalition Against Censorship (tax-deductible), please use the following language when drafting your will:

“I give and bequeath ______ (dollar amount, residuary estate, etc.) to be used for general purposes to the National Coalition Against Censorship (Federal Tax I.D. 13-3197949), with its principal offices at 29 Broadway, #1400, New York, NY 10006.”

For more information or to let us know about including NCAC in your legacy giving plans, please contact Josh Corday, Director of Development.

Gifts of Stock

stocks_boardGiving gifts of stock to NCAC can mean tax benefits for you. It’s an easy way to support free expression while receiving tax deductions on the Fair Market Value of your donation and no capital gains tax on appreciated assets. Gifts of stock, bonds or mutual funds reap rewards for NCAC and for you. Contact us today or have your broker set-up the transfer.
NCAC’s Brokerage Account Information:
Fidelity Investments
Account #: Z50-140546
DTC #: 0226


In-Kind Donations

estanteYour item donations translate into dollars for NCAC’s work, for us to offer membership rewards, raffle prizes and auction wins at our annual benefit. From a signed book or piece of art to baseball tickets or a country getaway, if you possess what a free speech defender like yourself would enjoy, and you’re willing to part, let us know! We are also grateful for pro bono services! The value of your contribution is, of course, tax deductible.


To make a gift or learn more about your free speech investment opportunities, please contact NCAC’s Development Office at (212) 807-6222 or [email protected].