Game politics

Video games are ruining our children! A look at an amicus brief supporting CA violent video game law

By |2024-08-02T12:45:26-04:00June 27th, 2009|Blog|

Spilling a little red type.  GamePolitics does quick work on an amicus brief filed by the Eagle Forum (“leading the pro-family movement since 1972”) supporting California’s video game law by highlighting the most problematic claims of the brief. As GamePolitics writes, “In the amicus brief, the Eagle Forum lays an array of societal problems at the feet of violent video [...]

Louisiana bill SB 152 on sexually explicit materials passes; GamePolitics on its implications

By |2024-08-26T13:50:34-04:00June 17th, 2009|Blog|

From, a review of the Lousiana bill SB 152 By a 35-0 vote June 10, 2009, the Louisiana Senate passed SB 152, a bill which would make a pattern of distributing sexually explicit material to children a deceptive trade practice under state law. GamePolitics readers may recall that in its original form, SB 152 was drafted by disbarred Miami attorney Jack [...]

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