michigan state

NCAC signs letter to MSU President

By |2024-08-02T16:45:32-04:00December 17th, 2008|News|

NCAC and 10 other civil liberties organizations have joined FIRE and the Electronic Frontier Foundation in an open letter to the president of Michigan State University. The letter defends MSU student Kara Spencer who was charged with spamming. Here are excerpts from the letter: We the undersigned write to express our profound concern about the state of free expression at [...]

MSU Student Government Leader Charged with Spamming

By |2024-08-02T16:45:31-04:00December 10th, 2008|Blog|

Michigan State University student Kara Spencer sent out an email to 391 MSU faculty stating her concerns about plans to shorten the change the fall 2009 academic calendar and schedule. Her email called for a review of the decision. One recipient of the email - a plant biology professor - complained to university administrators, who called in Spencer for a [...]

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