
Science Textbook Publishers Revise Text to Please Texas Schools

By |2019-03-15T17:19:35-04:00November 5th, 2003|Incidents|

Although Texas policies were revised to limit grounds for rejection to "factual inaccuracy" in 1995, censorship still flourishes in the Lone Star State. Publishers still revise textbooks in order to sell to the nation's second largest buyer. Last November, a science book was altered to appease anti-environmentalists. "Destruction of the rain forest could affect weather over the entire planet" was [...]

NCAC Letter to the Texas State Board of Education Protesting Biology Textbook Changes

By |2016-01-15T12:27:11-05:00September 30th, 2003|Incidents|

Dear Member of Texas State Board of Education, We write to express our concern about the proposed changes to the Biology Textbook under consideration for adoption by the Texas State Board of Education. We urge you not to adopt the changes proposed by the Discovery Institute, because doing so will undermine the presentation of information about evolution. At the public [...]

Letter To School Board Protesting Biology Textbook Changes

By |2016-01-15T12:27:35-05:00September 30th, 2003|Incidents|

Dear Member of Texas State Board of Education, We write to express our concern about the proposed changes to the Biology Textbook under consideration for adoption by the Texas State Board of Education. We urge you not to adopt the changes proposed by the Discovery Institute, because doing so will undermine the presentation of information about evolution. At the public [...]

Letter from NCAC and Other Organizations to Stop Censoring Literature in Mandatory English Language Arts Regents Exams

By |2016-02-05T13:15:40-05:00January 6th, 2003|Incidents|

Dear Commissioner Mills, Chancellor Bennett, Senator Kuhl, and Assemblyman Sanders: We have previously written to object to the routine censorship of literary passages on New York State English Language Arts Regents exams, which is questionable on pedagogical, intellectual and legal grounds. In our earlier correspondence, we documented numerous examples in which material was deleted apparently to eliminate any reference to [...]

Harry Potter Back on Shelves in Michigan School District

By |2024-08-02T16:47:07-04:00May 1st, 2000|Updates|

Free expression won out when school superintendent Gary Feenstra withdrew most of the restrictions he had imposed on the use of Harry Potter books. Following the advice of an advisory committee, Feenstra agreed to put the books back in the elementary and middle school libraries and to permit students to borrow them without restrictions. He also agreed to permit classroom readings of [...]

Creationists Seek to Ban Evolution in Kansas Curricula

By |2016-01-15T12:23:36-05:00August 11th, 1999|Incidents|

In a new twist in the battle against evolution, creationists in Kansas hope to convince the Board of Education to drop evolution from the curriculum. Since it is unconstitutional to teach religious theory in the schools, creationists argue, evolution must also go. Shades of Isaac Asimov, who punned: "I'd let them teach creationism in the schools if they let us [...]

NCAC Letter to School District 46 Superintendent About Reinstating Judy Blume’s Forever

By |2017-01-26T15:46:16-05:00June 29th, 1999|Incidents|

Dr. Marvin E. Edwards Superintendent School District U-46 355 East Chicago Street Elgin, IL 60120 Dear Dr. Edwards, We write to urge you to reinstate Judy Blume’s novel, Forever, in the middle school libraries in District 46. According to recent news reports, the decision to remove the book, and the desire to keep it out now, are based on disapproval [...]

Groups and Students Oppose Cancellation of Indigo Girls Concerts at High Schools

By |2020-01-03T14:12:49-05:00May 8th, 1998|Incidents|

Seven organizations dedicated to upholding the right of freedom of expression today declared their strong objection to the cancellation by high school principals of three free concerts by acclaimed folk-rock artists, the Indigo Girls. The organizations also praised the many students who are protesting their schools' censorship. A concert at Irmo High School in Columbia, South Carolina was canceled because of [...]

NCAC Letter to Long Island School District Superintendent About Removal of Three Magazines

By |2016-02-01T10:23:15-05:00February 13th, 1998|Incidents|

I write to express my serious concerns about your decision to remove three magazines from the Hauppauge Middle School Library. If press reports are accurate, as our inquiries suggest they are, removal of the magazines was precipated, in whole or in part, by a local religious figure who urged parishioners to object to them because they contain "information that goes against what we believe is the truth about sex as Catholic Christians."

New Hampshire Teacher Fired for Teaching “Unsuitable” Books Reinstated by School Board

By |2017-06-08T11:20:00-04:00September 1st, 1996|Blog|

Penny Culliton, a New Hampshire teacher who fought back against attempts to smear and ultimately fire her, has been reinstated by the Mascenic School Board following a decision of the state's Public Employee Labor Relations Board. The Labor Board upheld an arbitrator's previous award that had turned Culliton's dismissal into a one-year suspension.

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