Your Picture is FORBIDDEN: Photography and Censorship Today

In this electronic era when seemingly anything goes, who sets the guidelines for taste in newspapers and magazines, galleries and museums? Are any photographers making "transgressive" work that challenges us? Is there an audience for such pictures? What is the difference between today and 30 years ago, when we were rocked by the Mapplethorpe and Serrano controversies? What role does the government play in corporate "sensitivities" or censorship today? Our outstanding panelists come together to speak about the state of "freedom of speech" in photography today. Following a short presentation of visuals that may have been deemed shocking or banned in the past, the discussion will trace the history of provocative images as a starting point for a conversation about photography that tests the limits.

Lesley Martin
Richard B. Woodward
Svetlana Mintcheva
W.M. Hunt

More information at the PhotoPlus Expo website.