Art and creative expression fuels democratic discourse. The menu below contains resources to help you better understand how the First Amendment protects artistic expression, learn about relevant cases and take action against art censorship.

Has your right to speak, think or create been threatened?

Case law studies affecting artistic expression

Don't Delete Art Resource

A campaign protecting artistic expression online

Dramatic Changes

A toolkit for producing stage works on college campuses in turbulent times

The Show Must Go On: Toolkit for Organizing Against Theatre Censorship in Schools

A toolkit for avoiding theater censorship in public schools

Selected cases illustrating how controversies evolve

Tools for Activists

Drive social change with civic engagement

Created in partnership with leading national and international arts organizations

On curating difficult content

Learn about the tactics used by censors and free-expression advocates

Learn about the tactics used by censors and free-expression advocates

A censorship wiki developed from Muntadas’ The File Room

On Academic Freedom and Artistic Expression on campus