Banned Books Week is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read. It was launched in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in challenges to books in schools, bookstores, and libraries. Banned Books Week highlights the value of free and open access to information. It brings together the entire book community — librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types — in celebrating and defending the right to read during Banned Books Week and beyond.
Da’Taeveyon Daniels, a 16-year-old student from Texas and a Student Advocates for Speech (SAS) participant, a national program administered by the National Coalition Against Censorship’s (NCAC) Youth Free Expression Program, will serve as the Youth Honorary Chair for Banned Books Week in 2023. Daniels leads two SAS Clubs in Texas and is a vocal advocate for student rights and intellectual freedom. He was recently recognized for activism during a Texas House floor speech. Additionally, Daniels is a member of the NCAC Advisory Council and is an avid reader who firmly believes in the freedom to choose books without fear of censorship or suppression by those who seek to regulate the right of individuals to express themselves.
The NCAC is a proud Banned Books Week Coalition and Unite Against Book Bans member.

Book Challenges In 2022
Oppose Removing Books from Schools
Most Challenged Books of 2022
In response to the emergence of nationwide political groups organizing to remove books from library shelves, NCAC has created the Kids’ Right to Read Network (KRRN). KRRN is a NATIONAL NETWORK of freedom to read affiliates located in communities across the United States. Affiliates are ACTIVISTS fighting back against the removal of books from libraries AT THE LOCAL LEVEL.
Kids’ Right to Read Network will provide access to authors, legal support, written and digital resources, and best practices, to establish a standard “playbook” for work by local affiliates to FIGHT BOOK BANNING.
Know Your Rights!
This page contains resources to help advocates in classrooms, libraries and homes to fight for the freedom to read.
Teach Banned Books
NCAC has created a virtual Banned Books Week Inquiry Center that provides lesson plans to empower educators to navigate difficult discussions on censorship and challenged books with middle and high school students.
Join Unite Against Book Bans
Join thousands of others and sign up for Unite Against Book Bans, a national grassroots campaign to engage the public in the fight against censorship.
Fight Censorship In Schools and Libraries
NCAC’s Youth Free Expression Program and Kids’ Right to Read Project database tracks censorship incidents in schools and libraries.
Use Your Voice
NCAC’s resources help activists, educators, students, artists and all citizens promote free expression and challenge censorship.
Buy a journal. Fight Censorship!
Read These Banned Books: A Journal and 52-Week Reading Challenge, published by Sourcebooks, an imprint of ALA Neal-Schuman, presents readers with a different banned or challenged book to explore each week. Sourcebooks will donate 25% of the profits from sales of the journal to The National Coalition Against Censorship and Unite Against Book Bans.
Report Censorship to NCAC
One of the best ways to fight censorship is to call it out as it happens. Your communication with the NCAC is private and confidential. We will not share your information with anyone or take any actions without your permission.