“If given the truth, (the people) can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” — Abraham Lincoln

NCAC launched “War and Speech” as a clearinghouse for information about free speech issues relating to the “War on Terror,” including press freedom, government secrecy, and surveillance. We encourage you to explore the collection of articles and incident reports below, and to participate in campaign actions being conducted by our colleagues in the First Amendment community.


Propaganda or “Fake News”

  • Glenn Greenwald debunks the latest “good news” about the war, Slate, 8/12/2007
  • The U.S. Propaganda Machine: Oh, What a Lovely War by Andrew Buncombe for The Independent, UK, 3/30/2006
  • Military’s Information War is Vast and Often Secretive by Jeff Gerth for The New York Times, 12/11/2005
  • U.S. Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press by Mark Mazzetti and Borzou Daragahi for The L.A. Times, 11/30/2005
  • Secretary of Spin? by Richard Cohen for The Washington Post, 3/17/2005
  • Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged Television News by David Barstow and Robin Stein for The New York Times, 3/13/2005

For more information on government propaganda, and to join the campaign for transparency in government-produced information, visit the Center for Media and Democracy.

Suppression of Information

For ongoing coverage of censored and strategically “underreported” news stories, visit Project Censored.


For more information on NSA wiretapping and government encroachment on our civil liberties, visit the ACLU.

Violence against Journalists

While the articles linked below detail physical harassment, and in some cases, the imprisonment or even murder of journalists around the world to suppress the information they seek to impart to the public, recent developments highlight the aggressive tactics beings used to intimidate journalists here in America — namely, the threat of legal action to suppress politically damaging information (information which, in our view, the public has every right to know). For an excellent analysis, see law professor Geoffrey Stone’s article, “Scared of Scoops” in the New York Times on 5/8/2006.

For more information on the murder, arbitrary detention, and intimidation of journalists in Iraq, visit the Committee to Protect Journalists

Censorship of Political Art

For more information, visit Art Now: Artists Respond to the Political Present

Censorship of Public Dissent





Historical Analysis of Free Speech in Wartime

Articles Online

  • “An Unknown Casualty,” by Tom Wicker
  • “The Nixon Syndrome,” by Bob Herbert
  • “Media, Propaganda, and Vietnam,” by Anup Shah
  • U.S. Suppressed Images of Hiroshima for Decades
  •  On “Wagging the Dog,” by Chen-Roy Simpson



Organizations who are working to promote free speech — and to restore public access to government information — relating to the war.

National Security and Government Secrecy

Suppression or Manipulation of News

Government Infringements on Privacy

Violence Against Journalists