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NY State Legislators Take Aim at Protected Political Expression and Activity at State Colleges and Universities

National Coalition Against Censorship criticizes academic boycotts, but warns public officials against interference with political expression and open discussion and debate. The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) issued a statement on Wednesday in opposition to state legislative proposals (A.8392a and S.6438) that would "penalize professional associations and their members for engaging in protected political activity," according to NCAC Executive Director Joan Bertin. [...]

By |2020-01-03T14:37:47-05:00February 27th, 2014|Incidents|

Kids’ Right to Read Top Banned Books of 2013…Help Support Our Fight!

Here they are: KRRP's Top Victories of 2013. We are proud of our work in successfully battling these book challenges, but this effort can only continue with your continued support of the project. If you love these books, support us in this fight for the freedom to read today. [youtube=] The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky /  Glen Ellyn, [...]

By |2024-08-26T10:41:46-04:00December 2nd, 2013|Blog|

‘Tis the Season: NCAC Defends Challenged Books, Authors During Banned Books Week

As Banned Books Week (9/22-9/29) kicks into gear, the Kids' Right to Read Project finds itself battling censorship issues in half a dozen states. On Monday, KRRP joined other free speech organizations in opposition to the recent ban on Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man.

By |2024-08-26T10:41:58-04:00September 23rd, 2013|Incidents|

Talks Cancelled for YA Authors Meg Medina and Rainbow Rowell

For whatever reason, it sometimes seems that censorship battles crop up in pairs or groups of three. In May 2012, for example, the Kids' Right to Read Project began battling the removal of Todd Parr's The Family Book and other GLSEN materials in Erie, PA because they "advocated" for "non-traditional" families and lifestyles. Just days later, we learned that Davis County [...]

By |2020-01-03T14:08:09-05:00September 13th, 2013|Blog|

Film Contest 2012: You’re Reading What?!?!

  Join us for a free afternoon of films and discussions with the winners of our 2012 Youth Free Expression Film Contest! We'll also feature youth-made films from partners, and a special live performance! FREE. Saturday, March 30th 1pm-4pm. Doors open at 12:45pm. New York Film Academy Screening Room 100 East 17th Street in Manhattan N, Q, R, W, 4, [...]

By |2024-08-26T10:41:35-04:00July 10th, 2013|Events|

Abstinence Only: Joint Statement and Opposition

As individuals and organizations committed to the First Amendment and freedom of thought, inquiry, and speech, we oppose censorship as an affront to a core constitutional principle: that government may not control what individuals read, see, hear, think, and say. This principle is particularly critical in the educational setting, since the classroom is, in the words of the Supreme Court, [...]

By |2019-04-04T11:53:36-04:00May 29th, 2013|

Censorship Tools Du Jour

A Background Paper Introduction "If you fail in industry self-regulation we will have to go the legislative route." Ira Magaziner, White House Internet adviser, in a November 1997 speech "Regulations that 'drive certain ideas or viewpoints from the marketplace' for the benefit of children risk destroying the very political system and cultural life' that they will inherit when they come [...]

By |2016-11-01T02:19:06-04:00May 1st, 2013|

8th Grade Student Suspended and Arrested for Apparel at School (And no, this is not 1965)

Logan Middle School student Jared Marcum took a trip to the courthouse after a confrontation over his t-shirt last week. The t-shirt boasted the National Rifle Association's logo and the words "Know Your Rights" over an image of a hunting rifle. The student was approached by a teacher in the middle of the school day who apparently asked him to [...]

By |2024-08-02T16:46:44-04:00April 23rd, 2013|Blog|

The First Amendment In The Courts

Golan v. Holder Decision In a 6-2 vote, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a law that will restore copyright protection to foreign works that have previously been in the public domain in the U.S. The law was part of a global trade agreement requiring countries to protect works created in other member states unless the works’ copyright term [...]

By |2016-01-19T10:39:53-05:00April 10th, 2013|Censorship News Articles|

Harlem Shook: How Many Students Have Been Suspended?

So far hundreds of students have been punished for their involvement in the making of one of thousands of videos in this most recent and pervasive Internet trend. • The Mound-Westonka community in Minnesota was angered and disappointed when students –including six hockey players– were suspended hours before a critical and ultimately season-ending game. • At least 30 students were [...]

By |2024-08-23T12:14:51-04:00March 6th, 2013|Incidents|

In Banning Books School DIstricts Betray Students

As Banned Book week approaches it appears that the book censors are in competition to suppress some the most interesting and recognized authors and books! Buckling under pressure from vocal individuals with narrow ideological agendas, school districts are betraying their primary responsibility: to provide young people with a quality, wide-ranging education and help them develop into thinking members of society. [...]

By |2020-01-03T13:43:09-05:00August 26th, 2011|Blog|

Fact Sheet on Media Violence

This Fact Sheet answers some frequently-asked questions about social science research into the effects of media violence. The bottom line is that despite the claims of some psychologists and politicians, the actual research results have been weak and ambiguous. This should not be surprising: media violence is so pervasive in our lives, and comes in so many different contexts and [...]

By |2017-10-12T14:08:33-04:00July 1st, 2011|FEPP Articles|

Requiem For California’s Video Game Law

On June 27, 2011, the Supreme Court put an end to the attempts of state and local lawmakers to censor violent video games. Or at least, one hopes so. After two decades of political grandstanding, vaguely drafted laws, and unproven claims that “excessive” or “gratuitous” violence in this particular medium of entertainment has harmful effects on children and teenagers, Justice [...]

By |2020-01-03T15:48:39-05:00June 28th, 2011|FEPP Articles|

NewSouth Books Publishes Mark Twain (Expurgated)

NewSouth Books, based in Alabama, is publishing a new edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. As many know, Mr. Twain has been very much in the news lately. His Autobiography is a current bestseller (NYTimes bestseller list for 10 weeks now) and is earning well-deserved praise. Regrettably, now we must add another reason [...]

By |2020-01-03T13:39:01-05:00January 6th, 2011|Blog|
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