
Florida School District Textbook Policies

By |2024-10-25T12:25:27-04:00June 11th, 2018|Selected Resources|

A key step to defending the right to read freely in your school is understanding the policies that govern the selection and review of instructional materials. What To Look For A Clear Selection Procedure: A good policy should outline a clear process and criteria for textbook selection.  Criteria can include subject matter relevance, accuracy, and recommended grade level. These same [...]

Senators Call For Response to Idiotic Burning of Qur’an, But What Kind?

By |2024-10-25T12:24:22-04:00April 4th, 2011|Blog|

A couple weeks ago, Terry Jones finally gave into his burning desire to burn a Qur'an. Over the weekend, Afghans rioted over online video of the burning, resulting in the deaths of up to 20 people. General Petreus called the burning a "security threat" to the Afghan occupation, and Senators Harry Reid and Lindsay Graham have called for Congress to [...]

Parents in Florida Object to Judy Blume’s “Forever”

By |2019-03-14T18:07:52-04:00February 18th, 2010|Blog|

NCAC, with a little help from our friends, sent a letter urging Sugarloaf School in Summerland Key, FL, to retain Judy Blume's Forever in the school library after the parents of one student objected to the book's sexual content. The parents have requested its removal from the library claiming that Forever contains “a distorted view of sex, promiscuity, and is [...]

Former Student Sues School After Suspension for creating Facebook Page

By |2020-01-02T15:33:30-05:00December 11th, 2008|Blog|

In November 2007 Katherine Evans, a senior at Pembroke Pines Charter High created a Facebook group criticizing her teacher. Three other students weighed in to comment: all supporting the teacher. Two days later Evans took down the page. Two months later, the school principal Peter Bayer told Evans that she would be suspended for three days for “bullying and cyberbullying [...]

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